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Attention Bad Boss

Any well-functioning editorial office should work in the right conditions. It's best when journalists like each other. Even better, when they value each other. Ideally, these two qualities of a good editorial office are combined. Such an ideal situation, unfortunately, rarely happens. And that is the norm. Definitely outside the norm is when the head of an editorial office commutes his employees. He humiliates them, insults them, demotivates them with his rudeness. And it's a wonder that such bosses operate freely in one of the television stations considered to be the leading in the Polish media market. One's hair stands on end when one learns what goes on there.

NO War Global Project

Our cruise, our voyage around the world, our idea of no-war, is a manifesto against all the wars we are fighting. Wars for resources, for profits, for energy, data, raw materials and lands. Wars born of the stupidity of hatred and greed.

Our cruise is a symbol of freedom and strength. The strength that each of us has within ourselves. The strength through which together we can change our surroundings.


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