Molestowanie w kościele katolickim_OUT of

Molestowanie w kościele katolickim_OUT of

Harassment in the Order!

Ślubowałem Bogu. Dlatego kapłanem zostanę. Mimo wszystko.

Our editorial staff OUT OF has received information today that the Poznań-City District Prosecutor's Office has opened an investigation into the sexual abuse of Father Pawel G. (details known to the editors) on the grounds of the Main House of the Society of Christ of Foreign Polonia. It involves a crime under Article 198 of the Criminal Code.

A few weeks ago, at the request of Father Paul G., we visited with a camera the monastery where he was hiding from his church persecutors.

The chilling story of a priest who, despite surviving unimaginable trauma, does not want to abandon the priestly state, but also does not intend to keep silent about the deviations plaguing the Catholic Church from within, coming soon to OUT of.

14.06.2023 r.

NO War Global Project

Our cruise, our voyage around the world, our idea of no-war, is a manifesto against all the wars we are fighting. Wars for resources, for profits, for energy, data, raw materials and lands. Wars born of the stupidity of hatred and greed.

Our cruise is a symbol of freedom and strength. The strength that each of us has within ourselves. The strength through which together we can change our surroundings.


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