
What investment might be the best for retirement? A retirement that is not necessarily associated with old age?

What investment might be the best for retirement? A retirement that is not necessarily associated with old age?

Yes, you suspect correctly, you will not be surprised that in our opinion, the best investment is conscious movement, conscious physical activity, conscious sports focused not on competition with others, but on overcoming one's own limitations. Physical and mental. Physical, because there will be some pain and we'll have to get a little tired, and mental, because we'll have to fight off habits that are fatal to our health so far.

And what will be the expected effect from such an investment? A healthier and more enjoyable life? Fewer visits to the doctor? More enjoyment of life? That's probably enough to risk such an investment.       

Imagine a situation where you work hard all your life so that in retirement you can relax, enjoy the finances you have collected and explore the world. A dream for many of us. But what if it turns out that our body does not allow us to do so? Years of neglect, constant sitting and lack of time to think about one's fitness let us know when we don't expect it. And we should expect it. We should think earlier, today. Whether you are in your 20s, 40s or 60s. The best time to start exercising is NOW!

And with this in mind, we invite you to watch and listen to a conversation between our editor, and at the same time a strength sports trainer - Malgorzata Hys and Milosz Staworzynski - a personal trainer, physical therapist, entrepreneur, and extreme sports enthusiast.

Miłosz Staworzyński_OUT of poza układami

Milosz Staworzynski - personal trainer, physical therapist, entrepreneur.

A man whose life mission is to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Małgorzata Hys_redaktor OUT of poza układami

Małgorzata Hys 

Miłośniczka sportu i aktywności fizycznej. Trenerka sportów siłowych.
A woman who loves people, good, strong music and cats 😉

Our cruise, our voyage around the world, our idea of no-war, is a manifesto against all the wars we are fighting. Wars for resources, for profits, for energy, data, raw materials and lands. Wars born of the stupidity of hatred and greed.

Our cruise is a symbol of freedom and strength. The strength that each of us has within ourselves. The strength through which together we can change our surroundings.


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