Chciałem NIE ISTNIEĆ_OUT of poza układami


I wanted to NOT exist

Priest Paul, reporting


Much, much has been written and shown about the crimes of church shepherds against their innocent sheep. We were interested in the case of Father Pawel, different from those presented in the Polish media to date. This priest was molested by his superior. Ostensibly, this is an internal matter of the church. No one on the outside was harmed. And yet. What Rev. Pawel experienced will shock even the most resistant to information about church sex crimes.

NO War Global Project

Our cruise, our voyage around the world, our idea of no-war, is a manifesto against all the wars we are fighting. Wars for resources, for profits, for energy, data, raw materials and lands. Wars born of the stupidity of hatred and greed.

Our cruise is a symbol of freedom and strength. The strength that each of us has within ourselves. The strength through which together we can change our surroundings.

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